Post-Surgical Instructions for the Dental Implant Patient

  • The initial healing period usually takes one to two weeks, and you may experience some swelling or bruising during the first few days.

  • Remember:  Swelling is a normal reaction from any type of surgery.  Swelling may take up to three days to reach its maximum, and then will start to subside.

  • Before the procedure began, you were given an anesthetic to ensure your comfort. This anesthetic typically leaves your lips, teeth and tongue feeling numb after the appointment. For this reason, you should avoid chewing any food until the numbness has completely worn off.

  • Some discomfort after the surgery is normal. An over-the-counter pain reliever, such as ibuprofen (Advil 400mg every four hours on the day of surgery and take as needed the next day) or acetaminophen (Tylenol 500mg every four hours on the day of surgery and take as needed the next day), is usually sufficient. We can also give you a prescription for a stronger pain reliever, if needed. Take pain pills as prescribed by the dentist, and never on an empty stomach.

  • If you are taking birth control pills, and antibiotics are given during the procedure or prescribed following the procedure, your birth control pills should not be trusted as their effectiveness may be compromised. Stay on the birth control pills, but other methods of birth control should be used for the next entire cycle.

  • Take your antibiotics as prescribed for the indicated length of time.

  • You can decrease pain and swelling by applying an ice pack – 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off. Do this throughout the first three days starting immediately after surgery.

  • A blood clot will form on the surgery site, and this clot is vital to the healing process. To keep the clot intact, avoid touching the surgery site with your tongue or fingers, do not drink liquids through a straw, and do not spit vigorously for one week.

  • Blowing your nose or sneezing violently can also dislodge the blood clot and impair healing, so if you have an upper respiratory infection or suffer from allergies, be sure to have the appropriate sinus medication on hand.

  • Do not rinse your mouth for 24 hours following the surgery.

  • Twenty-four hours after your surgery, begin rinsing your mouth with the provided antibacterial rinse and clean the rest of the teeth with floss and a soft toothbrush. Gently swish the solution around the affected area, and spit carefully. Both these procedures should occur before bed and upon rising in the mornings. A solution of mouthwash diluted with water to 50% strength may be used in addition to the provided antibacterial rinse.

  • Remember:  Keep your mouth as clean as possible to help prevent a post-operative infection.

  • Avoid all types of smoking and tobacco use and prevent food particles from packing into the surgical site as these will significantly affect the healing process.

  • Rest and Relax as much as possible for the first 24 hours following your surgery. Rest is vital to good healing. You should avoid all strenuous exercise, such as weight lifting or aerobics for 1 week following surgery.

  • Once the anesthetic has worn off, you should eat. Nourishment is important to the healing process. Limit your diet to soft foods like yogurt, soft soups, ice cream, or soft-cooked eggs for the first 48 hours.

  • Increase your fluid intake for several days immediately following your surgery. This is no time to begin a diet. Do not avoid eating and drinking or healing may be compromised.

  • Keep your head elevated with pillows to control bleeding. We will give you a supply of gauze sponges to place over the bleeding area. Change the gauze as necessary, and use them until the bleeding stops. You can also bite gently but firmly on moist tea bag for 20 minutes. Be sure to call our office if bleeding persists or increases.

  • IV sedation can cause generalized muscle aches and pains. These symptoms should disappear after 2 or 3 days.

  • If you have any questions or concerns please call our office at (306) 359-3945.